Saturday, September 4, 2010

Recipe: Pistachio Ice Cream Dessert

Here's a dessert I make every now and then that everyone loves.  People always ask me to make it so I thought I would share the recipe.

Pistachio Ice Cream Dessert

2 pkg. (3oz) pistachio pudding
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 gallon vanilla ice cream, softened
36 Ritz Crackers
1/3 cup butter melted
1 tub 4 oz. Cool Whip
3 Heath Toffee Bars

Crush crackers and mix with butter and press down into a 9X13 pan
(I sometimes add more crackers and butter for a thicker crust)
Bake 350 degrees for 10 minutes. 
Let Cool.

Beat pudding & water together for 2 minutes
Add softened ice cream and mix together
Pour mixture onto crust and spread evenly
Allow to freeze.

Top dessert with Cool Whip and top Cool Whip with crushed Heath Bar

Cut & Serve!

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